Dresdener Kreis 2022 in Magdeburg

16.03.2022 -  

On March 15th and 16th, the Dresdener Kreis 2022 took place at the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg. Traditionally, research groups from the universities of Hanover, Duisburg-Essen, Dresden and Magdeburg meet for a conference on these days. The following presentations were held in Magdeburg this year:

Liebermann, Carlo: Auswirkungen ungünstig verdrillter Leitungen - Optimierung der Verdrillung während der Planung
Potyka, Marta: Prognosemodell einer PV-Anlage basierend auf einem Kurzzeitmesssystem, Wetterdaten und Machine-Learning Verfahren
Maherani, Mahshid: Flexible parameterizable grid-forming converter control based on Direct Voltage Control
Wöstefeld, Marc und Graeve, Carsten: Systemtechnische Aspekte während des Kohleausstiegs: Relevanz, Dringlichkeit und Schlussfolgerungen für begleitende Analysen
Wingenfelder, Manuel: Kipppunktanalyse von vorstädtischen Netzstrukturen hinsichtlich des Integrationspotentials an Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektromobilität
Bekker, Iwo: Kommunikationslose Sekundärregelung mit netzbildenden Wechselrichtern für den Inselnetzbetrieb
Leugers, Christoph: Analyse und Abschätzung von Deterministic Frequency Deviations
Kashtanov, Artem: Application of graph theory for automatic restoration of distribution networks

Additionally, Michael Kranhold from 50Hertz Transmission informed about the customer management of a transmission system operator.

On the second day, the LENA Challenge took place, in which teams of three had to run the power grid in the LENA control room optimally for as long as possible. The varied competition produced the following results:

Teamname  Punkte
404 Name not Found 24427
Schwarze Pumpe 17434
Pi = 3 24837
Die Netzretter 24321
BeESt 22189
State BeEStrider 21748

We congratulate the teams on the placements they achieved.

Overall, the Dresdener Kreis 2022 was again a very successful conference with interesting lectures, good discussions and lively exchange. For the future, the Dresdener Kreis 2023 is planned in Hanover.

Last Modification: 16.03.2022 - Contact Person: Webmaster